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Recordings of Brian Jud’s 60 – 90 minute webinars on topics that will help you sell more books to non-bookstore buyers. Discover creative ways to sell more books to schools, retailers and the military. Find out how to make a persuasive presentation and negotiate favorable terms for recurring revenue.

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1. Overview of Selling Books To Non-Bookstore Buyers

Every year, more books are sold to buyers in market segments outside of bookstores than are sold in bookstores. And they can be sold more profitably on a non-returnable basis. These include buyers for supermarkets, gift shops, corporations, associations, schools and many more. Are you getting your share of these sales? In this webinar you will discover how to find new markets for existing titles, locate new users for your existing information, find new uses for your basic information and increase your sales and profits.

2. Organizing your opportunities into manageable parts.

Some people looked at Goliath and thought he was too big to hit. David looked at him and thought he was too big to miss. You might look at special-sales marketing and think, “Is the non-traditional market big enough to approach, or is it too big?” The answer is yes. A market of $18 billion is too big to pass up, but it is too big a market in which to compete profitably -- if you look at it as one goliath market.

The essence of special-sales marketing is the concept of segmentation, the act of breaking the mass market down into smaller pieces, each more relevant to your particular title. The total non-bookstore market is actually made up of hundreds of “mini-markets,” each with varying degrees of suitability for your title. During this Webinar you will discover new ways to divide your opportunities into manageable, profitable segments.

3. How to sell more books to all retail buyers

Many publishers define “retail” simply as bookstores – brick & mortar and online. However, if you broaden that definition to include other retail outlets, you could sell books in supermarkets, gift shops and specialty stores and increase your sales significantly. And you can do so without significantly changing your habits because most retail operations function just like bookstores – they purchase through middlemen, return unsold books and pay in 90 to 120 days. But there are ways to bypass the formal system and sell more books, more profitably and even without returns – if you know how. And you will after this webinar.

4. Sell more books to businesses

Companies of all sizes can use your book (fiction and non-fiction) as a promotional tool. It could be used as an ad specialty, premium, self-liquidator, coupon, prize or award. You will learn how to find the right person to contact and how to approach the buyers. If you know when and how to recommend the appropriate use for your book, you can sell tens of thousands of them. This webinar will show you how.

5. How to find more leads for people who can buy your books in non-

bookstore markets

Selling books is a matter of numbers. The more people you contact, the more books you can sell. Unfortunately, many authors miss out on potential sales because they don’t know where to find the names of prospects. In this webinar you will learn where to find the names of people willing and able to buy your books. Do you think there is nowhere to sell your books? There is, if you know where. Sign up today and discover new markets and people that you probably never considered as prospects before. Then watch your sales grow.

6. Preparing Proposals and Making Presentations For Large-Quantity Sales

At some point you have to meet face-to-face with the buyers and tell them why they need to buy your books. You will be more successful selling books in large quantities if you organize and give your presentations effectively. In this webinar Brian will show you how to write a proposal and prepare a professional, successful sales presentation. Then he will cover simple ways to make your presentation and convince more prospects to buy. This process is effective for both fiction and non-fiction titles.

7. How to Negotiate Large-Quantity Sales

Once you know your buyers’ criteria and have prepared your proposal, it is time to present it to your prospects. There are a variety of ways to do that effectively and in a non-threatening manner. Rarely will they accept your initial recommendation, so you must negotiate the final terms and then confirm the order. There is still more to do in your post-sale follow up, and this webinar will provide you with all the basics to create a long-term relationship with recurring revenue to you.

8. How to sell more books to schools

The opportunities for selling books to schools are enormous and ideal for publishers. The academic market is divided into three general sub-segments: pre-school, elementary-high school (K-12) and secondary (colleges and universities). Further segmentation uncovers more opportunities to sell books for adult education, home schooling, distance learning and private, military and other schools. Each sector has its own procedures, policies and distribution partners. Brian Jud will show you how to work in each segment to sell more books in more ways than you ever thought possible.

9. How to Sell Book to the Military and Government

Discover how to sell your books to the military -- a marketplace made up of more than 5,000,000 active duty personnel, dependents, civilians working for the Dept. of Defense, and retired service people. They buy fiction, non-fiction, business books, cookbooks, textbooks, religious books and most other genre. You will also learn how to sell to the largest buyer in the world – the U.S. government. And a third of their purchases must be through small businesses.